Oil ring questions for 170 six


New member
I am rebuilding my 1965 170 six, block is back from the machine shop (cylinders bored 0.030) and he supplied me with all the correct new parts I needed including Silvolite pistons and Hastings rings. I just checked the ring gaps in the cylinder wall.

Couple of questions regarding oil ring:

Steel rails
The oil ring steel rails gap are about 0.012- 0.015, according to the shop manual the should be 0.015 to 0.055, the data sheet provided by the machinist recommends 0.0450. I need to file the compression rings (they gap at 0.015 and should be 0.019 and 0.023 for top and second, respectively) so I purchased a ring filer from Summit. Can the oil ring rails also be filed? Hastings make no mention of this, and the only information I find online is about filing compression rings.
Also, the oil ring itself has 0 gap, although it does fit tightly in the cylinder end to end of the ring.

Oil rings orieintation
The shop manual shows the oil ring gap "A" aligned with the bore and should face the rear of the engine, is this the case for all 6 pistons ?
