All Small Six Duraspark Advice!

This relates to all small sixes
I have a rubber line for the rebuilt “cardone”. Tried with vacuum line attached to the adapter plate. Set at idle the timing marks to 12 b t d c. When I reattached vacuum line it advance a good 10-12 degrees. So at idle it must be 24 degrees advanced. Then wrapped out to maybe 2000 rpm it bumped up to about 34 degrees advanced. Getting better. Will drive in to town tomorrow 15 mi. Will likely switch ports as you as you suggest. Curious if vacuum affected by that pvc valve from valve cover. Should it be plugged also? Definitely getting better. Set idle down closer to 550 rpm. 4 speed manual.
Pulling vacuum off manifold. Engine pauses on acceleration and at speed, say 2-2,500 rpm acts retarded, maybe not advancing enough. I checked dwell and it was about 45 degrees…to high. I feel like I am going down a rabbit hole. Next step plug ports to bypass Svc control. Ugh where can I acquire brass set screws. Will I need to get this distributer recurved? Can I do that myself. Ugh