Falcon 6 Performance Handbook



Hi guys, I'm sure I saw somewhere in here that the writers of the Falcon 6 Handbook were members of this list, I was trying to buy the book from their web site but I'm in Canada and would like to use paypal for my purchase, is this possible? It looks like you can only do that if you're in the States.

Sorry about posting this in the forum but I didn't see an email link on the web site [tsk tsk] :p

Yes they are. You may not get an answer right away since this is the holiday but they are on and off here a bit.

If youe interested in getting performance out of the inline six then the book is a good place to start.
You wouldn't by any chance know what their "handles" are on the list do you? Maybe I can fire off a pm to them.
Nice to see another canadain so close to home

I sent a money order for my book and it got here pretty quick!

I cannot believe how many times i've looked through it

what kind of car do you have and what are you planning to do?

My baby is a '67 Coupe, my wife surprised me with it and we're just about finished the interior then we're moving on to the engine bay. I NEED more power and I would like it to sound a bit more "hot rod" too. I just put my collector plates on it so I can't get too radical.

We're both new to this so we're taking it slow and trying to do it right the first time.

Here's a couple of picture of her, don't worry it's not for sale it's just in as an example listing on a web site I'm developing.

http://www.darrylsbestbuys.com/index.ph ... &curpage=2[/url]
67 Heaven,

Yup, I'm here today. Dave is off horsing around with his Appalousa horses for the holiday.

As stated in the first line of the directions on the "How to Order" page of our web site, the FPH is $17.95 US to Canada. Put a money order in the mail to the address on our web site. Make sure you put Falcon Performance Handbook on your envelope. We will mail the book the same day we get your money order. There's is no way to do non-USA orders through PayPal

The Ford Falcon SIX Cylinder Performance Handbook
C/O Dave Schjeldahl
582 Safstrom Place
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401-4108

There is a "Contact us" button in the lower right hand corner of every page on the web site.

My email is falcons@sundotmail.com in case you wish to contact me.

Thanks for your interest.
Contact vintageinlines.com, they have sold the Handbook in the past.