Convert me!!!



Does anyone have a good conversion factor between CFM and Lbs/minute? I'm sure it's in one of my old textbooks, deep in storage, somewhere.... Trolling for one that doesn't require me to dig through the Storage Unit of Woe.

All the books I have tell how to figure out airflow in CFM for proper turbo sizing. Every compressor map I've found has flow meaured in Pounds per Minute. Converting between the two would be kinda nice.


Standard density of air is 0.075 lb/cu.ft at 1 atmosphere and 25°(?)C.

This obviously changes as the air is compressed. The approximate density is given by:

d = 1.325 p/t

Where p = barometric pressure in inches of Hg and t = temp in °R (°R = °F + 459.69)
thanks! that's the info I was looking for. The density equation was an added bonus, since I can play with temperature to see what effects it has. I suspect not much, but I can now verify it.

this will help.
