eBay 200 2+2

... years ago at the huge Rhinebeck NY Spring "Dust-Off", in the car corral was Fastback '65 with a Six and Dagenham 4 Speed with a for sale sign - $20K. No one was around so anxiously I hung around for the owner.
I was totally cranked and when owner returned, turned out it was for sale by a NJ speed shop and the $20K was for the car and they wanted another $ 30K for a V8 swap !.
Now $50K may seem pretty cheap but the episode was burned into my memory.

Have fun

PS = a friend put together a racing Mustang Fastback recently for road courses like CT's Lime Rock track and spent well above $100K...


..I'm a judge at Rhinebeck with the Mid Hudson AACA for the Thunderbirds, it's for fun not AACA judging though, just 'best of bunch' and lots of cars for sale, swap vendors and stuff dragged out of barns all over N.E. .

that's three of my Six cars in lower left - Maverick SC'd 250. Tri-Power T-Bolt Six '61 Comet and Falcon Wagon with child seats...

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Sheesh 30K and it’s a knock off GT350 “tribute” car. For 30k, they couldn’t replace the faded carpet or detailed the engine bay?