All Small Six Reassembly 200 six---2 issues, no oil to rockers, I broke a head bolt

This relates to all small sixes
The early small six's with the solid/ mechanical lifters, oil to the lifters were different but the later hydraulic lifter blocks all oil the same. Cam bearings and oil to rockers oil the same. No cross drilling, that is why the rear cam journal is grooved.
The lower part off the dist. shaft fits in the block and keeps the dist. gear form flexing away from the cam gear. The block its the bearing surface and it is oiled by a 1/8'' drilled hole to the first oil passage from the pump to the oil filter, and without dist. shaft in place will cause an good sized oil leak.
I removed the distributor gear and installed the hex shaft and the distributor and spun it with the cordless drill. Still no oil flow . The drill only spins a max of 1400 rpm--maybe that is too slow.

So I filled the drilled oil passage with oil and spun the distributor again....and i saw a little oil flow --enough to raise the oil up out of that drilled passage and spill it down the side of the block.

I still think I should pull the cam and visually check the cam mearing hole alignment, but I am relieved to see SOME flow.
Sometimes the front oil galley plug gets missed because it is hidden by the cam sprocket, that could be it, the rear is noticed because it will leak out where you can see it, but you said you got 20 lbs. so that does not sound like it. How much oil pressure do you have now?
I assume that the cam spacer with the inside bevel toward the cam journal, pin, two hole cam thrust plate bolted tight to block and cam sprocket bolted to the cam with the thick washer is all good. What I am getting at is if those parts are not right or missing that could effect the alinement of the groove to oil ports.
If it is actually turning 1,400 rpm that is the same as the engine turning 2,800 which be about 60 MPH in high gear, should be plenty. Flow will be better with the engine running but cannot tell you how much more. Again what is your oil pressure now?
Can you video the flow and show us?
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I'm following along: anxious to see if the distributor-in method worked. Good Luck.
drag-200stang had it right. I WAS missing that little plug. In my defense, I never removed it--the machine shop removed it and I didn't know to look for it.
Yeah--I began to rethink my rpm--yes 1400 at the distributor would be 2800 at the crank---
So, I installed the plug and spun the distributor slowly--about 60 rpm! and the oil gauge pegged at 40+!!! And oil flowed out the hole in the top of the block. Everything looks perfect.
Thanks for all the help----I don't know if having the distributor installed makes a difference or not, but having that hole plugged sure made a difference. I could hear the oil gushing "somewhere", but it was out of sight behind the front cover.
Carlisle tomorrow!!